27 things I learned at 27

My world changed at age 27. I hope the things I learned will be helpful for your spiritual walk too.

Please keep in mind that these snippets are an accumulation of 27 years of experiences, observations, prayer, and research. Not every point applies to my experience, but neither are they far off from my retrospection in life and ministry.

  1. Make sure what you live for is worth dying for. 

  2. The better you get at something, the more you realize you're bad at it. 

  3. Godly friendships are necessary to sustain every individual’s spiritual maturity.

  4. Culture and plausibility structures shape and mold our exegetical interpretations more than we’d like to admit. 

  5. Everything costs time. Invest it in the right places. 

  6. Words matter, but tone does too.

  7. It's healthy to say "no" to ministry and "yes" to your spouse when there's a crossroads. 

  8. Should women preach and teach? Absolutely.

  9. Women have historically served as the scapegoats men fear in themselves. 

  10. The Church at large (and seminaries) still face the issue of male superiority by allowing the leverage of faulty biblical interpretation to impose silence toward women and children — distorting the gospel’s mission & its vision to uphold human dignity. 

  11. Sometimes your deepest desire is not your strongest desire.

  12. Not all relationships/friendships can be reconciled with a “one last conversation.” And that’s okay.

  13. Wives have the same opportunity as their husbands to probe spiritual depth and maturity within their marriage. Women shouldn’t simply wait for their husbands to initiate or “lead” spiritually.

  14. Leaders identify leaders. 

  15. Write with your voice. Stop trying to sound like who you think you should sound like. Be you. 

  16. (Academically) Don’t write anything that you wouldn’t say to God in prayer.

  17. "Celebritizing" Christian pastors, professors, and influencers have diminished our ability to see the Holy Spirit's unveiling of the Scriptures to everyday believers. 

  18. Find friends who will dream with you and not be hindered in the making. 

  19. We “wait” most of our lives — so we wait productively, with joy and expectation.

  20. Gratefulness and thankfulness cure entitlement.  

  21. Social media is a spiritual warfare battlefield.

  22. Don’t give up on those who “show no fruit.” — ya never know.

  23. Your bad decisions don’t change your citizenship in heaven if you’ve truly believed — but they can deter the fullness of God’s purposes for you as a godly witness to the world.

  24. An abundant prayer life calls for deep reflection. Without reflection, our prayers are simply rehearsed words we’ve heard in church culture.

  25. A wrong diagnosis of the real problem can create more problems.

  26. There are friendships and “ministryships” — a wise leader must know the difference.

  27. Fear cripples. Share your theological and moral convictions boldly; some will disagree, and some will be glad you said it. — You answer to God at the end of the day.