Welcome, friends!

I’m Kayla, and I’m so glad you’re here!

This is a safe space for spiritual productivity and growth. Following Jesus is a lifestyle and a marathon. Discover more of God with me through blogs, devotionals, and podcasting.

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Something to Consider When Doing Systematic Theology

Contrary to general understanding, systematic theology is more than memorizing a playbook of doctrines found in Scripture. Richard Hooker…

I graduate in May 2023. It scares me.

It’s My Last Semester as an MA Systematic Theology Student

27 Things I Learned at Age 27

My world changed at age 27. I had to relearn things that I never expected to get wrong. The better you get at something, the more you realize you're bad at it. 

You’re invited to the table.

The Coffee and Theology Scoop Podcast

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Coming Soon 〰️

The Purpose of Systematic Theology

Significance of Global Theology in the Church

What is “doctrine?”